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Introducing the "Digital Business Basics" course!


So, you've snagged my "10 Digital Business Essentials" PDF—awesome start! Now, let me ask you something: Are you ready to really dive into the digital world and make some serious waves with your own online business? If yes, then Digital Business Basics is exactly what you need next.

Why This Course?

Because, let’s face it, sticking to old ways and avoiding tech is a surefire way to watch the digital bandwagon (and your potential success) pass you by. Whether you're just starting out or trying to give your existing online biz a nice boost, it’s time to get things moving towards real, sustainable growth.

I am IN!

Chapter 1: Email System: Elevate Your Communication Game

Chapter 2: Email List: Building Relationships One Subscriber at a Time

Chapter 3: Sales Page: Your Digital Storefront

Chapter 4: Link Tree: Streamlining Your Online Presence

Chapter 5: Scheduling: Efficient Time Management

Chapter 6: Pay Links: Simplify Transactions, Amplify Conversions

Chapter 7: Phone Number: Professional Communication

Chapter 8: Hours: Set Clear Boundaries, Foster Trust

Chapter 9: Social Media: Communicating With Your Customer

Chapter 10: Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Cornerstone For Success

Chapter 11: (Bonus) AI: Embrace Technological Advancements

Seriously, I priced this course because I remember exactly what it was like to need that big nudge to get moving.


It's packed with everything to make learning easy and actionable: Training videos and PDFs!


I’ve Walked the Path You’re On...

I know that feeling all too well—dreaming of freedom and success while feeling stuck in the daily grind. There was a time when I was right where you are now, hoping to break free but unsure how to make it happen. That's exactly why I created the Digital Business Basics course.

My own journey? It was a rollercoaster. I made the bold decision to sell my house—it was the big leap that set everything else in motion. I left behind the security of my old job, the familiarity of my hometown, and leaped into a life where I could make my own rules. Now, I'm living and thriving in Mexico, running a dynamic online business from a place that I fell in love with on a vacation years ago.

Why Mexico? It's not just the beautiful beaches and the vibrant culture; it's about what this move represented. Freedom. The kind of freedom that comes from being able to work from anywhere with Wi-Fi. The kind of freedom that means I get to choose how my day unfolds, who I work with, and what projects I take on.

Creating Digital Business Basics was about putting together all the lessons I learned—the hard-won insights from setting up systems, automating processes, and scaling operations. This course is filled with all the clear, practical, and transformative steps I wish someone had shown me when I was starting out. I've poured everything into making it straightforward and actionable, so you don’t just learn, you actually see your life transform.

So, if you're ready to start a journey similar to mine, but with a roadmap that makes the ride smoother, then this course is for you. It’s not just about making a living; it’s about making a life. Let’s make that life one you’re excited to wake up to every day.